
Hilary Duff wants Mike Comrie stay at home!

 Well, these are the kind of gossip you want to ruin a happy marriage  or want, rather.Hilary Duff wants to say that her husband Mike Comrie is a dad at home, you know, and mothers who are at home caring for children and cooking and cleaning .Well I doubt the last two (say, for the celebs) .Anyways, gossip says that a source (if not!) Commented that "Hilary told Mike that he is retired and he is the breadwinner, the father who stays at home. She has trained Mike to change diapers and baby bottle also has given other chores, including making breakfast, doing laundry and cleaning. "HA! allow me laugh out loud ... do laundry, clean? Puleeease! If you have an army of people to clean them all. That baby bottle to think so, and to change the pañalotes too, but so clean ... I know it is a vile gossip. LOL! Certainly put Hilary as the evil woman who has the poor hubby into slavery. Wow help! There sure is that another of those reports 'sources said' come and say that Mike Hil forces to breastfeed the baby while going to the gym ... LMAO! no longer know how to invent .



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