
Raven Symone closet sale

Well it's not a very reliable source, but according to Media reports that according to The National Enquirer, Raven Symone has come out of the closet as a lesbian. He says he always suspected the actress was 'lover' of the girls but now the tabloid says it's official. "Sources close to Raven told that she is gay and is with AzMarie Livingston, androgynous beauty who appeared in" America's Next Top Model Both are living together in the luxurious apartment in New York of $ 11,000 per month in Raven. She is at a point now where you do not care what he thinks his family, and is in love with AzMarie. She is a lesbian and wants to live his life like that. "DListed has more from the report: "[Raven] feel that your parents still treat her like a child, and she has told you will do what she wants. Raven has withheld all that is gay for a long time. But a year ago, he was introduced to AzMarie, who is absolutely beautiful. The two began dating and a couple of months, Raven finally asked if I wanted to move into his apartment in Manhattan.
When the family learned mad and has now created a gay scandal around Raven. She told her parents who loved them but that their home, especially your bedroom is her business and nobody else is not going to back down, so they must accept it, period. "Well this type of scandals that help talk about you for a while then if not certain, get the rep and he denies. However, if it is true, because you live your life as you want.


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